Satoshi Morita was born in Fukuoka, Japan, and raised in Saga, Japan. Satoshi is a traveling ‘Amazinist’ who seeks and continues to capture and seek “Beauty” from varying perspectives.
All of Satoshi’s artwork transcends all genres. Morita continues to play with photography, painting, along with playing improvised piano through his unique, original, and self-created way.
Artist Statement
[The questioning artist- Satoshi Morita]
“What do you discover through my artwork?”
This question is the concept of my artwork.
You are the one who interprets the work.
My work is completed by your point of view.
Now is the time to escape all stereotypes and regain one’s perspective.
My artwork exists as a gateway, an opportunity to discover the unseen.
All the Artwork is created as my body moves, without ego.
Even I don’t know what will come out until I finish drawing.
“What do you discover through my artwork?”
Your answer will be the message just for YOU.